Thursday, November 15, 2012

Is Transgendered a Curse or a Blessing?

I have gone back and forth on this based on the various life experiences I was going through at the time. So I ask you, is being transgendered a curse or a blessing? Here are some bullet items for the pro's and the con's to deliberate, and keep in mind I intend for this to be serious yet light hearted.

- You get to experience both genders and choose which you prefer
- You have a perspective from the other side of what is attractive in the gender you choose
- Your fellow transgendered friends are the most non-judgmental people on the planet
- You are never starved for physical partners, you may not always get what you want but men throw themselves at you
- You have a deep appreciation for both genders
- You are not a hormonal woman, at least when your meds do not get out of balance
- You go into a dirty bathroom you don't have to sit down
- Your friends all want to help you
- You are really good at taking pictures, of yourself. :)
- You really love pedicures and manicures, more than genetic women as it is a real treat
- Your bars and clubs you go too are full of many fabulous and beautiful people.

- You spend a lot of time alone :(
- Relationships are hard, 99% of the men you meet only want you for sex
- Married men seem to really be attracted to you. Sorry guys, I am no homewrecker
- Finding good shoes is really really hard, when you throw in fashionable and affordable it gets even harded
- Your feet kill
- Clothes are hard to find, ones that fit well anyway
- Breast forms are hot, I mean you sweat under them, really need these to come in naturally
- Ok thongs do not work for us, hard to hide things in tight dresses and keep them hidden :)
- Pantyhose/Tights are your friend, keeps things in order and makes my butt cute but they are hot
- I know those Vietnamese nail ladies are saying bad things about me, I hate that
- The occasional idiot who feels they need to make you feel bad for being you
- Don't have any relationship with parents
- Growing your hair out takes forever
- Get stopped by a police officer is always very uncomfortable
- MAC is expensive
- Getting "laid off" from your job because of your transition

Anything else? Looking forward to your comments.

Hugs everyone!


  1. I see where you are coming from Valerie, it is both a curse and a blessing. I guess the hardest part is leaving your old life and risking losing those who you thought loved you and the alone time. God bless you Val, you are a warm heart.

  2. Hello Valerie. I think your amazing sweetheart:-)
